Who can resist being swept up in the ongoing celebration of Christmas? We devote so much time and planning to our decorations, cards, gifts and feasts. We create and cherish new Christmas memories, and look back on older ones, always within sight of the manger. We are blessed by the love of family and friends, who are the face of Christ to us.
During this time of celebration, it’s important to be reminded of this singular grace: to know that any true Christmas moment comes only when the Spirit of Christ passes through us, into the heart of another person.

To receive this grace, we may need to reach out to help a stranger. We may need to welcome that ostracized family member who has carelessly hurt us. We may need to rediscover, in our own quiet contrition, the radiant Gospel commitment that has paled in us.

Yours in grace,
Sr. Renee Yann, RSM, D. Min

As you reflect on this week’s message of grace, we hope you are moved by the power of the Holy Spirit and the love of Christmas to make a donation to women and children in need. 

*Adapted from Catholic Health Association of the US 2015 Advent Reflections