When We Give to Others We Give to Jesus — Your Weekly Reflection from CMMB

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In today’s Gospel we read Mark’s account of the Magi, who visited Jesus with three gifts. These gifts are thought to symbolize Jesus’ future as our savior.
According to Mark, the Magi learned of Jesus’ birth through a sign in the stars. Reading the stars, the Magi understood Jesus as the newborn king and went to pay homage. With them, they brought three gifts—each foreshadowing a meaningful moment in his life and ministry.
The gift of gold represents Jesus’ identity as King. Frankincense, a substance burned by priests, represents Jesus’ divinity and, Myrrh, commonly used in burial, represents Jesus’ death.
The Magi welcomed Jesus with gifts. But it can also be said that Jesus did the same through his ministry. He welcomed followers into our faith with gifts of compassion, kindness, healing, and salvation.
As followers of Jesus today, we thank Jesus by doing for others what he did for us. We share compassion, kindness, and forgiveness. We work towards a world in which health and human dignity are shared by all—a world in which Jesus envisioned.
At CMMB, we are lucky to have a community of supporters who recognize the gifts given to them by Jesus and are driven to do the same for others. We will conclude this week’s reflection with the words of one of our generous donors. Here, they reflect on the power of our faith and the impact it has when we let it guide us to those in need.
“I so appreciate what CMMB is doing for families, people and communities, and donating is my joy. And I know the gospel love touches lives through the work of CMMB, strengthening bonds between lives of people who will remain equal in dignity through this love, wherever we are on Earth.”
If you’re interested in learning more about what inspires our donors, we encourage you to read their stories by clicking HERE.
In grace and peace,