Where Do You Find Courage? Your Weekly Reflection

In today’s Gospel, Jesus and his disciples continue their journey. Through the events that unfold, we realize that the disciples are not only on a physical journey but a spiritual one as well—one that will guide them through fear and confusion toward courage and hope.
We find the disciples concerned over Jesus’ prediction: “The Son of Man is to be handed over to men and they will kill him, and three days after his death the Son of Man will rise.”
Unlike in other passages, the disciples do not engage Jesus. Instead, they are described as feeling confused and afraid to question.
When they finish the day’s journey, Jesus asks what they spoke of along the way. Again, the disciples are silent and fearful to explain themselves.
At CMMB, we reflect on the fear and uncertainty the disciples reveal. It compels us to consider the moments in our lives when we feel uncertain or afraid. How do you handle fear? How do you find the courage to move forward?
The disciples find courage in their relationship with Jesus—in the truths he reveals and the mission they share. At CMMB, we, too, find courage in our mission and the universal truth that quality and dignified healthcare is a human right.