World Refugee Day: Muhammad’s Story

Imagine leaving everything you know and love about home behind—family members and friends, treasured belongings, and cherished memories. There’s also the basic necessities like clean water, hygiene supplies, medicines and so much more. Today is World Refugee Day, and the scenario above is a heartbreaking reality for people like Muhammad.
At 60 years old, Muhammad was forced from his home in Syria when violence from ongoing conflict broke out in his town. His house was bombed and livelihood destroyed. Luckily, he and his children survived. But they were forced to flee. Muhammad has spent the last three years at a camp for displaced people in Ghazala, living in a tent near his children.
Thanks to your support, CMMB provides ongoing access to critically needed and otherwise inaccessible medicines to those who have lost everything. And for Muhammad, the difference has been truly lifesaving.
After surviving a heart attack, Muhammad lives with serious health complications. Without specialized medications, his condition is life threatening. But limited economic opportunities and the high cost of the prescription he needs to survive left treatment out of his reach. That all changed one day during a visit to a heart clinic. Through CMMB’s partnership with Multifaith Alliance, Muhammad received his medication at no cost—and he will continue to do so monthly.
“I am forever grateful for the support I received,” said Muhammad. “It has truly changed my life in ways I cannot express.”
We are able to share Muhammad’s story today thanks to you. Your support of our mission makes our partnerships around the world possible. Together, we are providing relief to families in crisis—and the impact is lifesaving.