At all times, but especially in times of war and conflict, we must remember our Catholic commitment to peace-related values: empathy, a love of strangers, and the drive for social justice.

Right now, the current suffering of the people in South Sudan seems to be invisible. While not reported widely in the media, our staff on the ground are witnessing terrible violence and massive displacement of local people without food, water, medicine and other basic needs in the Western Equatorial State.

Our CMMB brothers and sisters are heartbroken. Gunshots break the nighttime silence. Rural villages have been destroyed. Entire families are forced to sleep in the open air without warm blankets or comfort of any kind.

Help us by praying to Jesus for peace in South Sudan, today and every day, and for our staff and volunteers who sacrifice to serve women, children and their communities.

Prayer for Peace in Our Time

O God, author and giver of peace,
in whose image and likeness each of us has been created
with a human dignity worthy of respect on earth
and destined for eternal glory,
Listen to the cry that rises from every corner of this fragile earth,
from our human family torn by violent conflict:

Give peace in our time, O good and gracious God,
that peace which, as your Son Jesus Christ told us
and as we have experienced in these days,
is a peace which the world cannot give.

To world leaders grant the wisdom
to see beyond the boundaries of race, religion, and nation
to that common humanity that makes us all your children
and brothers and sisters to one another.

To those who have taken up arms in anger or revenge
or even in the cause of justice
grant the grace of conversion to the path of peaceful dialogue
and constructive collaboration.

To the innocent who live in the shadow of war and terror,
especially the frightened children,
be a shelter and strength, their haven and hope.

Grant this through Jesus Christ, your Son, our Lord.
Mary, Mother of all and Queen of peace, pray for us.

-Peter J. Scagnelli

If you are inclined to donate to those suffering in South Sudan, click here.