Your Weekly Catholic Reflection from CMMB

The Gospel for the fifth Sunday of Lent offers more lessons about God’s mercy and forgiveness. Jesus’s words to the crowd who would condemn a woman accused of adultery have been repeated for thousands of years. His response “Let the one among you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone,” is more than a caution to us about making judgments of others. It is a profound lesson in divine mercy and forgiveness.
Today, many are quick to judge the poor. We label them lazy or shiftless, believing they are responsible for their poverty without any idea what might be behind their dire circumstances. In Haiti, Sister Monica, Sister Dulcimar and Sister Maria know firsthand about the poor. They are three of the Daughters of Charity who work with CMMB in Cîté Soleil, where 400,000 people struggle to survive extreme poverty. This huge slum is one of the poorest and most dangerous areas in the Western Hemisphere.
CMMB and hundreds of poor women and children depend on the Sisters’ divinely inspired mercy, love and compassion. The Sisters know that the women and children who line up for hours each day to seek their care are not responsible for their poverty. Their hearts are open; they do not judge. For 40 years, the Sisters have worked tirelessly to offer healthcare, medicine, and education with dignity and respect.
As we celebrate National Catholic Sisters Week, let’s remember that Sister Monica, Sister Dulcimar and Sister Maria would be among the first to remind us that we are all sinners. We’re not worthy to judge the sins of others; that’s a job only for God. The Sisters would also remind us that Jesus, the one without sin, offers us – who are all sinners – his mercy and forgiveness. Redeemed by His compassion, we set out once again to sin no more and to live in God’s love and peace.
Please join us and pray for Sister Monica, Sister Dulcimar, Sister Maria, all the Daughters of Charity in Haiti, and all women religious around the world. On behalf of the thousands of women, children and communities they faithfully serve, we offer a heartfelt thank you!