When Jesus called his first disciples, the Gospel tells us that the fishermen (Peter and Andrew, James and John) dropped everything to follow Jesus. We can imagine that Jesus was a powerful presence to elicit a response as immediate and complete as these first disciples gave. We are blessed that even today, women and men are inspired by the example of Jesus, and follow His call to serve the poor in some of the most remote corners of the world.

Today, please join us as we pray for our international volunteers, real-life disciples who share the love of Jesus with women, children and their communities each day:
• Ghana: Dr. James Murphy
Haiti: Priscilla Chalmers
Kenya: Faduma Ahmed, Kirollos Fares, Anne Guion, Patricia Lutes
Peru: Sama El Baz, Jessica Saenz
South Sudan: Dr. Harry Owens, Dr. Robert Ryder
• Sudan: Dr. Tom Catena
• Swaziland: Dr. Alfred & Kathleen Hartmann
Zambia: Janet Choongo, Onduru Gervas

Through their dedication, devotion and service, we are blessed to see the Kingdom of God among us.

Help Change Lives.

*Today’s reflection is adapted from and inspired by the Loyola Press Sunday Connection.