The third Sunday of Advent is traditionally called Gaudete Sunday. Gaudete is the Latin word meaning “rejoice.” “Rejoice” is the first word in the entrance antiphon for today’s Mass taken from Philippians. Some families mark this Sunday on their Advent wreath with a pink candle. Today is a joyful reminder that hope and salvation are near.

In poor communities where we work in Peru, young mothers like Valeria (above) cling to hope and faith as they struggle to survive. Valeria is only 16-years old. Her son, River, just turned one. Her beautiful smile masks a difficult life, and the challenges and fears she faces each day. Valeria’s husband works, but he doesn’t earn enough to cover even basic needs. It’s a frustrating situation for a young family with a baby. Like many children in Trujillo, River suffers from anemia and is small for his age. Valeria says, “I want to improve my son’s future. I would like to give him everything he needs.”

During Advent, we not only prepare ourselves to celebrate the birth of Jesus, but we also check in to see if we are doing all the things that will keep us ready to receive Him when he comes again. It’s a time for reflection and a chance to make a stronger commitment to our own spiritual lives. It’s a time to recommit to daily prayer, acts of mercy and kindness, and love for our “neighbors” like Valeria and River.

During these last weeks of Advent, let’s pray that hope, love, and joy touch the lives of vulnerable women and children everywhere:

God of Love,
Your son, Jesus, is your greatest gift to us.
He is a sign of your love.
Help us walk in that love during the weeks of Advent,
As we wait and prepare for his coming.
We pray in the name of Jesus, our Savior. Amen.

Learn more here. 

*Today’s reflection is inspired by and adapted from the Loyola Press Sunday Connection