A Catholic Meditation

Dear Friends,

Today I’m sharing CMMB’s latest annual report, The Journey Toward a Healthy Life, with our global faith community. This year’s annual report celebrates and embraces the “journey of life” as reflected in the lives of the women, children, and families that we serve.  Just a thought about our journey, and yours—Thomas Merton, a Trappist Monk, rejoiced that “God is being itself.” Our very beings, our very lives, allow us to participate directly in the Spirit of God.

 “Go forth and set the world on fire.” —St. Ignatius Loyola

Through the journey of our lives, it is important to remember that we can consciously choose to be God’s hands and feet in this world.  In this way, we make God’s love known in the world, particularly to those who are poor and marginalized.

Rooted in the traditions of St. Vincent de Paul and St. Ignatius Loyola, CMMB is compelled to do just that.  St. Ignatius urged others to “Go forth and set the world on fire.”  Further, he said, that if faith is not marked by caring for the poor, the oppressed, and the hungry, it would be guilty of heresy.  St. Vincent de Paul mused that charity is a heavy burden to carry. It is not enough to give soup and bread, but that all must be given with great love.  Real charity is characterized by love and is delivered in relationships and, when possible, relationships that help others to grow. We, at CMMB, seek to be guided in our mission by these urgings.

Please read our 2017 annual report through the lens of charity and the Spirit of God, alive in our lives and in our world.  Join us on this incredible journey of love.


Many blessings,

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