Strengthening Haiti’s Supply Chain Management
Strengthen CMMB Haiti staff in pharmaceutical inventory management, ensuring their understanding and adherence to international dispensing protocols, and launch an electronic inventory management system at the CMMB distribution center, with resources for ongoing training and support.
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Part of CMMB’s strategy is to expand access to medicines and to strengthen health systems serving the communities where we deliver health services. This project prepares the Haiti country office to manage an expected increase in the volume of medicines donated by our pharmaceutical partners to Haiti. These donated medications and medical supplies supplement supplies procured in country through Haiti’s Programme de Médicaments Essentiels (PROMESS).
This supply chain strengthening project, implemented at the Bishop Joseph M. Sullivan Center for Health (the BJSH) in Côtes-de-Fer and at a satellite health center, St. Rose de Lima, in Gris-Gris, pilots a training program and local rollout of an electronic inventory management system intended to serve CMMB as a whole.
The program is preparing and equipping Haitian pharmacy, medical, and supply chain staff to efficiently manage a greater stream of medications and supplies than they currently handle. A new inventory management system, compatible with that of the CMMB Distribution Center in Long Island City, New York, will be rolled out as well. Training covers inventory management and forecasting, in conjunction with national protocols.