Well folks, that’s a wrap. The holidays are coming to an end and a new year is upon us. You know what that means – a series of promises (aka resolutions) that we are, statistically speaking, very unlikely to keep.

According to US News, 80 percent of resolutions fail by February (and The University of Scranton research suggests that just 8 percent of people achieve their New Year’s goals)!

At CMMB, we are following some very good advice shared by Mother Teresa years and years ago: “Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come.We have only today. Let us begin.”

So, let’s start with today, every single day. It’s all we got.

To help you start the year off right, download our New Year’s Resolution Calendar. The calendar offers 31 days of suggestions – small actions that you can take to make the world a little bit better.

We have two versions you can choose from. Click on the one you like best:

Fun New Year's Resolution Calendar

Here is our new year's resolution calendar for you to download for free

Perhaps by the end of January, when others are wallowing in shame because they didn’t manage to get to the gym three times a week or eat more greens, you will be on track for having the year of your life!

Download your free new years resolution calendar now!

Here are a couple of examples from your calendar: 

Say a prayer for a stranger

You never know who could use some good thoughts and positive energy. Make someone’s day a little brighter by sending a prayer their way.

Call someone - NYE resolution

There is no time like a new year to reconnect with someone!

Download now button - green

There are so many ways that you can change your life while changing the lives of others for the better. Click here to learn how you can get involved.