“Let the one among you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.”
—John 8:7

In the Gospel reading this week, a woman who had committed adultery is brought to Jesus. The crowd condemns her and expects Jesus to punish her. Instead, Jesus asks that those among them who are “without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.”

Jesus saw the woman as He sees all of us, not with judgment and condemnation for our failings, but with mercy and compassion. When we learn to withhold judgment for the faults we see in others and seek the best in them, we help each other to experience the depths of God’s love.

“Judge not, and you will not be judged;
condemn not, and you will not be condemned;
forgive, and you will be forgiven.”

—Luke 6:37

For over 100 years, CMMB has followed the Catholic tradition of helping the poor and marginalized regardless of their circumstances. Selflessness and generosity in ministering to the poor and tending to the sick are the teachings we try to follow every day. We have been blessed to have worked with volunteers, partners and organizations in remote, poverty-stricken areas. Women religious have played an important role in our faith-based mission of service, including the Daughters of Charity, the Maryknoll Sisters, the Sisters of Mercy, and the Comboni Sisters.

Sister Maria Colabella, who was later to become a Maryknoll Sister, got her start at CMMB. After receiving an advanced nursing degree, she went to serve in Nigeria, where she spent two years as a nursing instructor and supervisor at Maria Assumpta Hospital. From there, she would go on to serve in Peru, Nicaragua, and Ecuador, as well as in the US, building capacity and ministering to the poor. Throughout her life, she brought compassionate care where it was most needed.

In loving memory of Sister Maria Colabella

Sister Maria passed away on March 19th at the age of 78. She dedicated her life to caring for others without judgement or prejudice. Today, we are calling on each of you—the compassionate members of our faithful community—to join us in praying for her.

God doesn’t look at our misgivings with a magnifying glass; He doesn’t highlight our faults and our sins. God sees each of us completely; just as He would like us to see those around us. That is how Sister Maria saw all those she served, with love and compassion. She lived the gospel through her love of God and dedication to others. May she forever rest in peace.

In grace and peace,

CMMB/Healthier Lives Worldwide

Today’s reflection was inspired by Loyola Press.

These Children Are Struggling Due to Lack of Food and Water
Consider Becoming Their Angel

Dieukine, 4

Dieukine is a young boy living on a remote mountain in Haiti. He needs an Angel Investor so he has plenty of food and clean water.

Technaida, 6 months

Technaida is a 6-month-old baby girl living in Haiti. She needs an Angel Investor to ensure that she gets the proper nutrition she needs to grow up healthy.

Lovenson, 6
