Meet Hedwig, Monthly Supporter
Hedwig is a long-term CMMB monthly supporter whose background gives her special insight into the importance of providing hope, dignity, and care to people in impoverished parts of the world. We spoke with her recently about the importance – and the joy – of sharing what you have.
I grew up in extreme poverty in post-war Germany. I was born in 1942, the youngest of six brothers and sisters. Life was very hard after the war. The worst thing was having no food. I had to go begging with my sisters and my grandmother for something to eat. And we had no soap. We had to do the dishes with cold water and sand, so we all ended up getting terribly sick. We also suffered from vitamin deficiencies. So, because of all that, I have a lot of sympathy for poor people. What I have now is enough, and other people have nothing, so you have to give what you can.
Sometimes you get a little bit discouraged because you think, how much is your contribution going to be able to do. But if everyone gave a little, it would really add up. And I pray at night, saying, “Lord, let my contribution help somebody.” I’m only one person, but one person has to do what they can. I always wish I could give more, so once in a while, I buy a lottery ticket. If I won, it would just be the greatest fun to make a big contribution.
I like to support getting people clean water, because the basic amenities of life are just so important. I also support Dr. Tom Catena, who works in the Nuba Mountains in Sudan. I really admire him and his courage. It’s a big world out there, and there are so many places where the people don’t have the systems to support them, so they need to rely on organizations like CMMB.