“This is my chosen Son; listen to him.”
—Luke 9:35

In today’s Gospel, we hear the story of Jesus’ Transfiguration. It occurs on a mountain in the presence of just three of Jesus’ disciples – Peter, James, and John. As they sleep, Jesus prays, and when they wake, they see his appearance changed to bright white, and hear the voice from heaven speak, “Listen to him.” In this moment, they see the glory of Jesus. 

During Lent, we are invited to consider our attentiveness to Jesus and to one another. In the fast pace and noise that often characterizes family life, how well do we listen to one another? What opportunities do we have for quiet prayer?

Jesus’ time in the Garden reminds us of the power of prayer. Prayer brings us into the present moment. It can silence the noise, it can calm our worries and fears, and it can bring things into focus.

When we pray, we deliberately slow down. And when we slow down, things becomes a little clearer and we are better able to pay attention to the things that really matter.

We are lucky to have Sister Rosemary as the chair of our board. She is the General Superior of the Sister of Charity of Saint Elizabeth and a voice of wisdom and calm. We asked her to share a prayer that she uses to quiet the noise. She shared this one saying, “this prayer is a favorite of mine.”

Sister Rosemary's prayer for Lent

We don’t have to wait for a special moment or a time of crisis to pray.  We can include prayer in any and all parts of our day. May our prayers help us develop the discipline and generosity we need to come closer to God. Amen.

In grace and peace,

CMMB/Healthier Lives Worldwide

Today’s reflection was inspired by Loyola Press.

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