In today’s Gospel, Jesus continues to speak to us in parable. Through the story of two brothers, Jesus shares a reminder that actions speak louder than words.

Jesus begins by introducing the father of two sons. As the owner of a vineyard, he approaches each of his sons separately, directing them to work in the fields. The first son refuses but changes his mind and later fulfills his father’s request. The second son agrees to the work but has no true intention of following through in his actions.

In the end, it’s only the first son who supported the day’s work in the vineyard.

Jesus asks the priests and elders among his listeners, “Which of the two did his father’s will?”

They unanimously agree on the answer: The first son. In the remainder of today’s Gospel, Jesus criticizes those who speak of God but do not follow through in action. It’s in this way that they are like the second son—who does not do his father’s will.

As we prepare for the week ahead, join us in a renewed commitment: To follow our words with meaningful action. At CMMB, doing so is a matter of holding ourselves accountable to the global communities we support. This is a value that guides us daily.