The Holy Season of Advent

The holy season of Advent is approaching, and with it comes an exciting journey. For Christians, Advent is regarded as a joyful season of anticipation and a period of self-preparation for the coming of Christ. The word Advent comes from the Latin word adventus, meaning “coming.” Advent anticipates the coming of Christ from three different perspectives. The first coming was 2000 years ago when Jesus came into the world as a baby to live as a man and die for us. The second coming will happen in the future when Jesus comes back to the world as King and Judge. We can also use this time to reflect and prepare for Jesus to come into our lives in the present moment.

Advent marks the beginning of the liturgical year. The season commences on the fourth Sunday before Christmas, which falls on Dec. 1 this year, and ends on the evening before Christmas Day.

Practices associated with Advent include lighting an Advent wreath, keeping an Advent calendar, praying an Advent daily devotional, setting up a Christmas tree.

The Advent wreath is typically created with evergreens and candles added on each of the four Sundays before Christmas. Each candle has its own special meaning. The first candle symbolizes hope, the second love, the third, also known as Gaudete Sunday, signifies joy, and the fourth peace. The fifth candle, which is optional, represents light and purity and is called “Christ’s candle.” It is placed in the middle and is lit on Christmas Day.

To help you count down the days until Christmas, we’ve put together an Advent calendar with a daily bible verse or quote to inspire you. We hope it will carry you through your Advent journey in a thoughtful and prayerful way, and keep you focused on the true meaning of Christmas. Please share it with your family and loved ones.

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