Today, we hear John the Baptist’s testimony about Jesus in the Gospel of John. The ministry of John the Baptist prepared for and pointed to the ministry of Jesus. In today’s Gospel, John the Baptist gives testimony to who Jesus is. In a similar way, our own lives are meant to offer testimony to Jesus. As we start a new year, it’s important to reflect:

How do we embrace Christ in our daily lives? Do we make His presence visible to others?

As members of the CMMB global community, we are inspired by the example of Jesus every day. We share a mission to deliver sustainable, quality healthcare to women, children, and their communities – with love and respect for all. CMMB has been dedicated to helping the poor and those marginalized in society for over 100 years. Our founder, Dr. Paluel Flagg, first ministered to lepers in Haiti in the early 20th century and today we are blessed to be part of a highly-respected global organization that has never wavered in our faith-based mission of service.

John the Baptist tell us that Jesus is the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. Join us as we humbly pray that through our work, others might come to know more about the love, mercy and compassion of Christ. Through your generous support and the dedicated service of our field staff, doctors, nurses and volunteers, we have faith that women and children worldwide will come to know the love of Jesus, the Lamb of God.

Wishing you a week filled with His grace.

Change Lives Today.

*Today’s reflection is adapted from and inspired by the Loyola Press Sunday Connection.