CMMB and Mercy Health Pledge Help for Hundreds of Haitian Families

CMMB had the honor of addressing Mercy Health’s annual meeting of directors, the Leadership Development Institute, on September 19, 2014 in Cincinnati, OH. More than six hundred of Mercy Health’s system leaders attended the presentation of CMMB’s first CHAMPS (CHildren And Mothers PartnershipS) site in Côtes-de-Fer, Haiti.
The project includes the building of a new healthcare facility, the Bishop Joseph M. Sullivan Center for Health, a 30-bed facility serving a catchment area of almost 50,000 Haitians who currently lack access to quality healthcare services. Construction will be funded in part through a $2 million challenge grant from Mercy Health.
Côtes-de-Fer has especially high rates of malnutrition. CMMB and Mercy Health have responded with a nutrition program. Participating families receive either three goats or a home garden kit and education through the local mothers’ club around providing nutritious sources of food for their families.
The leadership of Mercy Health system challenged its members to raise enough money to provide the community of Côtes-de-Fer with two hundred goats and gardens, a gift that would be matched by the Mercy Health Foundation. Participants generously pledged in person and online to support more than three hundred families.
If you would like to help us bring better nutrition to Haitian families in Côtes-de-Fer, donate here.