Embracing Challenge for Others — Your Weekly Reflection from CMMB

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In today’s Gospel, we read The Parable of the Barren Fig Tree. It’s a story about a gardener and his faith. But through this tale, Luke seeks to emphasize Jesus as our patient protector and steadfast guide.
In the parable, a landowner laments about a barren fig tree in his orchard. Frustrated that the tree has not produced fruit in years, he asks his gardener to cut it down so it does not waste nutrients in the soil.
Knowing that with the right guidance and care, the tree can bear fruit in the future, he tells the landowner to leave the tree planted for one more year so it can be fertilized and the ground around it cultivated.
The gardener’s commitment to his crop is unwavering—even when the process to care for them is not easy. God’s commitment to his people is similar. He is patient with his guidance and willing with his forgiveness. When we face challenges he embraces them as his own.
This afternoon, students from the tri-state area will join us for the #Act4Water walk to raise awareness for the global water crisis. Around the world, one in four healthcare facilities lacks clean water and 2,000 children die from waterborne illnesses every day.
In rural communities, the responsibility to collect water often lies on women and girls. On an average they walk 3.5 miles daily to collect water for their families.
CMMB is investing in water infrastructure to ensure long-term access to safe water for rural communities and health facilities. In 2021 alone, CMMB improved access to clean water for 263,819 people—and we’ve only just begun.
Today, we join the leaders of tomorrow to walk in solidarity, discuss the water issues facing rural communities around the world, and reflect on how we can make a difference. This challenging reality is one where we must all do as Jesus would and embrace it as our own. In doing so we can pave the way for change. If you’re interested in learning more about our work with water access, you can do so by clicking HERE. If you’re on social media, we invite you to follow along with us this afternoon using the #Act4Water hashtag.
In grace and peace,