Faith is Your Guide—Your Weekly Reflection

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Do you ever feel burdened by your role as a disciple of God? Today’s Gospel reminds us that it’s okay to feel like this—and importantly, God is here to guide us. The only thing required from us is faith.
When you find yourself overwhelmed, in need of a guide, or questioning the next step in your journey, think of Joseph. Faced with the decision to accept Mary and her unborn child as his own or quietly break his commitment to her, he puts his faith in God and his role in His plan.
At CMMB, we put our faith not only in God, but in those who carry out his mission in some of the most challenging circumstances.
Manga, a community health worker in Zambia, inspires us with her commitment. Every day, she journeys over 3 miles, by foot, to reach the resilient people in the remote villages she serves.
“The biggest challenge my communities face,” says Manga, “is access to clean, safe water.”
Manga is on a mission to help people understand the importance of clean, safe water, sanitation, and hygiene (known as WASH). She also supports local improvement efforts—like building latrines.
Her work is not without its challenges, but she finds inspiration in the people she serves. Visit our blog to read Manga’s story and learn about one of the lives she helped transform.