Faith Through Gratitude — Your Weekly Reflection

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Take a moment. Observe all that is around you. What do you see, feel, or hear that gives you a sense of gratitude?
Perhaps you find gratitude spending time with your family or smelling that first cup of fresh-brewed coffee. Whatever it is that you find gratitude in this morning, consider how you might share it with the people you love.
In today’s Gospel, God demonstrates he is generous with his gifts. But he extends the gift of salvation only to those who show gratitude for them. Giving thanks is among the strongest examples of faith.
With this in mind, we would like to say thank you to you. Thank you for being a faithful friend of CMMB.
At a special brunch celebrating 110 years of CMMB, CMMB’s Country Director for Haiti Dr. Dianne J. Francois shared a special remark. It expresses our gratitude for you and your support of healthier lives worldwide.
“With the help of my CMMB family, I am able to help save the lives of some of the most vulnerable people in the world,” said Dr. Dianne. “This is truly an honor and a privilege. Without you it would not have been possible. All of us at CMMB are thankful for your support. I ask that you keep us in your prayers and continue your support in the years to come.”
To read more about our 110th anniversary celebration on Sunday, Sept. 18th, go here.