Find Your Answer — Your Weekly Reflection from CMMB

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On this first Sunday of Lent our Gospel takes us to the desert, where Jesus spent forty days and forty nights. In many ways, Jesus’ experience guides our own experience during Lent.
Jesus spends his time in the desert fasting, praying, and saying no to the devil’s temptations. The devil tempts Jesus three times. With every temptation Jesus is asked to take advantage, distrust or question his relationship with God. But Jesus’ commitment to God never wavers.
When we make sacrifices during Lent, we are committing ourselves to God and ignoring temptation—just as Jesus did. His persistence is our guide during both the moments we feel strong and the moments we feel as though we may falter.
Jesus says, “It is written: ‘You shall worship the Lord, your God, and him alone shall you serve.’”
The season of Lent is an opportunity to reflect on our relationship with God and find comfort in the trust we share with him. But it can also be an opportunity to reflect on how we might carry that trust beyond the season.
Every time we ask ourselves, “What would Jesus do?” we strengthen our relationship with God and open our hearts to guidance—and today, as we observe new conflicts begin and old ones deepen, we find ourselves asking that question often. But there is not one answer, just as there is not one way to act, one way to give, or one way to serve—but every way has an impact.
We will conclude today’s reflection with the words of a long-time CMMB supporter, who has found his answer through giving to others. As you strengthen your relationship with God this season, we encourage you to find your own answers.
The work is charitable, kind, and loving. It’s God’s work. What better can you do than that? It’s a big world, and there is a lot going on, but I don’t know what else we can do besides try to help. Besides, it is always better to give away money. By doing that, it is always returned to me in one way or another, so I benefit from it, too. Not everyone believes that, but I do. The more success I have, the more money I donate every year, and that makes me feel good and is very satisfying.— John, long-time supporter
In grace and peace,