Find Your Impact: “A Call to Mission” — Your Weekly Reflection

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In today’s Gospel, Jesus sits with his disciples and prepares them for his departure. As we read through each verse, we learn that though Jesus intends to leave his disciples in the physical sense, his presence will remain with them through the gift of the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit invites us to forge our path forward with Jesus’ guidance at every step, every setback, and every triumph. When we open ourselves to the Holy Spirit, we open ourselves to Jesus’ mission.
At CMMB, we have used Jesus’ mission as our guide. Walking in his footsteps, we have navigated the changing landscape of global health—addressing critical needs, building sustainability, and responding to emergencies—for over a century.
This year, we celebrate 110 years of service. As we reflect on today’s Gospel and Jesus’ presence in our work, we look towards the theme we selected to embody our 110th year: “A Call to Mission.”
At CMMB, we respond to the call through not only our impact-driven programs, but also the commitment and solidarity we feel with the communities we serve. But when we reflect further on what inspired us to pick this theme, the answer goes beyond how we relate to it as an organization, and to the many different ways we witness others find meaning in it.
Some people, like Public Health Advisor Michael Qualls, respond to the call by volunteering. During our first Volunteer Commitment Ceremony since the start of the pandemic Michael shared the following, “I’ve always said that finding a way to give back and help those less fortunate has been part of my plan. Finally, the stars aligned.”
Others, like Matthew and his partner Liz, follow the call by supporting meaningful programs and projects. When asked about his experience as a CMMB donor Matthew wrote, “Over the past fourteen years, it has been my privilege to support a number of projects that improve the lives of those in need through quality healthcare. Liz and I are grateful to be supporting the Rehabilitation for Hope project, which strengthens the development of children with disabilities. As new parents ourselves, we appreciate the importance of providing vulnerable families with access to services that are essential to the healthy development of children.”
Whether a volunteer, donor, or advocate of our work—thank you for listening to the call and thank you for finding your impact alongside us. If you’re interested in learning more about “A Call to Mission” and our work over the past 110 years, we encourage you to visit our annual report by clicking HERE.