God Is Always With Us — Your Weekly Reflection from CMMB

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Today is the second Sunday of Easter, and our reading encourages us to reflect on our faith as modern-day members of the church.
In last week’s Gospel, the disciples discovered Jesus’ empty tomb. In this week’s Gospel, they encounter Jesus in his resurrected body.
John writes that the disciple’s were gathered behind locked doors when Jesus appeared beside them. He said to them, “Peace be with you.”
Jesus showed the disciples his wounds, and they knew it was the Lord who stood with them. Then, Jesus tasked them to follow in his footsteps and continue the work he had begun. To guide them, Jesus gave the disciples the gift of the Holy Spirit.
The disciples believed because they were able to see. But the next part of our reading reflects on the challenges we sometimes face when asked to believe without seeing.
Thomas—the disciple who doubted Jesus—was told about the disciples’ encounter, but he refused to believe until he witnessed Jesus himself. So, when Thomas was gathered with the other disciples, Jesus appeared once again. He showed his wounds and Thomas believed.
As modern-day disciples, we are among those who must believe without seeing. But through the witness of the first disciples and the realizations of Thomas, we trust that God is always present.
And to believe without seeing, is truly a blessing.
We will conclude today’s reflection with the words of an inspiring member of our CMMB family, Mwauluka. As our CHAMPS coordinator in Mwandi, Zambia, he strives to uplift the lives of the vulnerable. With every person who crosses his path, he feels God’s presence.
“My focus is to ensure that people who are vulnerable are given the chance to have a better life, just like I was. I was neglected, but God was faithful enough to bring me to where I am today.
It is my aspiration to help people the way God has helped me. Let me be a ladder for those who cross my path—that is my focus. When God brings people to cross paths with me, he opens up my eyes. I need to show them their way, just as God found me a way throughout my life.”
You can read more about Mwauluka, his journey to CMMB, and his inspiring work on our blog by clicking HERE.
In grace and peace,