There is Greatness in Unity — Your Weekly Reflection from CMMB

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In today’s Gospel, Jesus and his disciples arrive in Capernaum, where Jesus reminds them of his prediction. If we think back to last week’s reading, we’ll remember that Peter was outspoken against it. But here, the disciples remain quiet.
Jesus then turns to them and asks about an argument he overheard them having on their journey. His disciples remained silent yet again. They had been arguing about who among them was the greatest.
Not fooled by their silence, Jesus explains that they are mistaken in their understanding of greatness, and those who are truly great are servants of the needy. For when we offer our service to those in need, we offer our service to Jesus.
We can assume that the disciples remained silent because they were scared—scared for Jesus and scared for what persecution they might face after his death.
Think back to a time when you felt fear. As a global community, we’ve endured a lot over the past two years: Our fight against COVID-19, a growing food crisis among the world’s most vulnerable nations, and a series of powerful natural disasters, including the deadly earthquake in Haiti.
The earthquake affected the communities we serve in Haiti, our local staff, and their families. But what we have been reminded of during this challenging period is that unity eases fear. Together, with our CMMB family, we are stronger and there is greatness to be found in that. Shortly after the earthquake struck and the level of destruction began to reveal itself, our CEO and President, Mary Beth Powers, shared a message with our staff members around the world.
It was shared during a time of fear and crisis, but we hope it remains a source of strength and comfort as we heal. If you’re interested in reading more from Mary Beth, you can find her full message on our blog by clicking HERE.
Let us find solace in our faith and in the care of one another. These past months have been trying times in all our country settings, and it is important that we know that we can look to one another for support and comfort.
God bless you all and I appreciate your valiant efforts in spite of the most challenging of years.
In grace and peace,