“Individually we are one drop. Together we are an ocean.” – R. Satoro

Working in collaboration with others is at the heart of what we do. We know that we cannot do what we do without others.

No single organization, no matter how innovative or powerful, can impact global health alone. By partnering with individuals, communities, faith leaders, foundations, corporations, and other non-profits, we are delivering on the promise of healthier lives for the most vulnerable women and children worldwide.

This issue of the The Power of Partnerships Report highlights the importance and power of collective impact. This report includes:

  • A message from our SVP of partnerships, Adrian Kerrigan
  • News about how Dr. Tom Catena’s Aurora Prize will be used to change lives
  • Testimonies from partners involved in the building of the Bishop Joseph M. Sullivan Center for Health in Haiti
  • Highlights from our cross-sector collaborations


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