In today’s Gospel, Jesus asks the disciples, “What are you looking for?”  It’s an important question as we set our intentions for the new year. As a global family, we are called to a special mission: to bring health and well-being to the most vulnerable women and children. We look to our faith—and one another—for strength and guidance.

To serve human life is to serve God. – Pope Francis

At CMMB’s New York office, Mark Cantine works with many of our donors, explaining why our work with mothers and children is so important. He was looking for some special words to thank our generous community and a recent homily from Rome was especially meaningful. Mark shared:

Pope Francis explained that we can see a reflection of ourselves in the baby Jesus, resting in Mary’s arms, and realize that humanity is precious and sacred. The Pope said, ‘All life, from life in the mother’s womb to that of the elderly, the suffering and the sick, and to that of the troublesome and even repellent, is to be welcomed, loved and helped.’

In Mary, we can see what God wants us to be. Mary faced some of the same uncertainties that our beneficiary mothers do—poverty, hunger, and displacement. But Mary had complete faith in God. To me, the Pope’s homily illustrates how our donors support life and faith. Their support is an expression of God’s love. They change lives and make our work possible.

And so, we return to Jesus’ question—what are YOU looking for in 2018? We pray that everyone in our CMMB family will search for and find Mary’s faith and God’s love as we work together to make the world a better place, one healthy family at a time.


Mark Cantine is a major gifts officer at CMMB. He lives in NJ with his family

Mark Cantine is a major gifts officer at CMMB. He lives in New Jersey with his wife, Annie and their two sons, Joey and Zach. 

Stories of Children Living in Extreme Poverty

Start sponsoring a child today.

Kamau lives in Kenya. He is only eight, yet he has suffered so much. Both of his parents are dead, and his grandma struggles to feed, clothe, and educate her grandson with less than $2 each month. You can change Kamau’s life with the gift of education.

CLICK HERE to read Kamau’s story.


Meet Beatrice

For Beatrice in Kenya, a chance to learn can change everything. Right now, her mother must choose between feeding the children, or sending them to school. Education can help Beatrice overcome extreme poverty. You can give Beatrice hope.

CLICK HERE to read Beatrice’s story.



Bruno is loved, but he is also thin and hungry. His mother’s garden in rural Haiti never grows enough food. Contaminated water means he is often sick. You can be the difference to a family living in extreme poverty.

CLICK HERE to read Bruno’s story.