Paving the path together—Your Weekly Reflection

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As our Easter season comes to a close, we join you this Sunday to observe the Ascension of Jesus and the path we are paving, together, as a faith community.
We begin our reflection on a mountaintop, where the Resurrected Jesus has instructed his disciples to find him. The Gospel tells us that when the disciples saw Jesus they worshiped and doubted at the same time.
“All power in heaven and on earth has been given to me,” Jesus said to his disciples. “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the holy Spirit…”
In the lines that follow, Mathew’s Gospel concludes just as it began, with Jesus’ promise to be with us always.
As members of the church community, we honor the mission that Jesus gave his disciples as our own. We learn from the generations that came before us and build on the path they paved through faithful service to others.
In CMMB’s global health work, generational learning can lead to transformative change—in access to dignified healthcare that not only changes individual lives, but can transform entire communities for generations to come.
Generational change like the kind you make possible not only transforms lives, but forges futures. And at CMMB, we could not continue paving the path ahead without you. Visit our blog for stories and reports on the very life-changing possibilities you make possible.
Thank you for helping us deliver the promise of positive change around the world—the kind that impacts lives and, ultimately, builds a better future for us all