Improving Nutrition for Children and Newborns in Peru

Reduce chronic childhood malnutrition.
Funded by
Bon Secours Health System, with partners CHRISTUS Health and Caritas del Peru
2010 – 2012
Peru’s widespread economic development has bypassed rural and periurban regions. Inequities prevail in Trujillo, Huancayo, and Chimbote. Chronic malnutrition is common among children here, driven by food insecurity and poverty. In this project, Unidos Contra la Mortalidad Infantil (United Against Infant Mortality), CMMB addressed childhood malnutrition and mortality by implementing the World Health Organization’s community‐integrated management of neonatal and childhood illness protocol (c‐IMNCI) in two districts. The project created a functioning community nutritional surveillance system that monitored growth and development in the regions’ children.