What’s Promised to Us in Sacrifice—Your Weekly Reflection

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Our journey toward Easter continues—thank you for walking with us in faith.
In today’s Gospel, we meet Jesus on top of a mountain. We find ourselves at this same mountaintop on every second Sunday of Lent, to join three of Jesus’ closest disciples as they witness his Transfiguration. This, then, becomes the promise that sustains them throughout his Passion, until the glory of Jesus’ Resurrection.
Matthew writes, “Jesus took Peter, James, and John his brother, and led them up a high mountain by themselves. And he was transfigured before them; his face shone like the sun and his clothes became white as light.” Soon, a voice from the heavens declared, “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased; listen to him.” At first, the disciples were afraid at what they’d seen and heard, falling prostrate on the ground. But Jesus brought them comfort and courage, saying, “Rise, and do not be afraid. He also advised them not to speak of what they saw until he was, “raised from the dead.”
Jesus’ Transfiguration is a significant moment in our faith. How can it guide us during the sacrificial season of Lent?
For Jesus and his disciples, the events in today’s Gospel foreshadow the suffering and sacrifice to come—as well as the glory. For us, as we reflect on our Lenten sacrifices and perhaps the times we’ve endured suffering in our lives, we can look to Jesus’ Transfiguration as the promise that gives us comfort and courage along the journey to Easter’s ultimate glory. This, in fact, is what is promised to us in our faith.
Faith is what inspires so many of our professional volunteers, whose work supporters like you make possible.
“Staying solid in my faith is one of those essential parts of my life,” shares Debbie, a CMMB volunteer supporting CMMB’s child protection program in Zambia, “Whether I am home or 8,000 miles away, it is essential to the foundation of who I truly am. Faith is the rock that provides peace, courage, and a knowing that God has it all under control.”
You can read more from Debbie and the path that led her to Zambia on our blog.
As we continue our Lenten journey, let us remember the peace, comfort, courage, and glory that Jesus promised to his disciples—it’s been promised to us, as well.