Recognizing the Impact Around Us — Your Weekly Reflection from CMMB

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In today’s reading we learn the story of Jesus’ transfiguration. This event is always the focus of our Gospel on the second Sunday of Lent and serves as a reminder of Jesus’ constant presence in our lives.
The transfiguration takes place on top of a mountain. When our reading begins, Peter, James, and John are asleep while Jesus prays. When the three disciples finally wake, they witness Jesus speaking with Moses and Elijiah. It’s here when a voice from the sky proclaims Jesus as the chosen son.
We can imagine that Peter, James, and John are confused, and even frightened, by the events they witness. They will not fully understand the importance of this moment until after Jesus’ Passion and death.
Jesus is always present in our lives. Even though we cannot see him, we know he quietly and intentionally guides us through every challenge and success.
As we reflect on Jesus’ presence in our lives this season, we encourage you to reflect on the quiet impact others might have in your life. At CMMB, we reflect on the critical—though under-recognized—impact of the world’s community health workers.
Community health workers have long been a vital resource for bringing basic medical treatment and education to regions where access to healthcare is severely limited. But during COVID-19, their efforts were both indispensible and unsung.

The proper use of face masks, hand-washing, and physical distancing are all important practices to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
In a recent article published by Project Syndicate, CMMB President and CEO Mary Beth Powers and World Bicycle Relief CEO Dave Neiswander shared their reflections on the historied impact of community health workers around the world. They stress that now more than ever, we must better recognize and support the lifesaving work community health workers do.
We will conclude today’s reflection with their closing remarks from the article. But we encourage you to read the full pieces and learn for yourself just how great of an impact these volunteer health workers have made around the world. You can do so by clicking HERE.
When the acute phase of the COVID-19 pandemic comes to an end, it largely will be thanks to the tireless work of community health workers. The best thing the world can do to maximize their effectiveness in future crises is to ensure they are properly trained, equipped, empowered, and even compensated.
In grace and peace,