CMMB Ukraine Emergency Response

June 30, 2022
Update from Ukraine: Products arrive in-country and CMMB’s response continues
65 pallets of supplies have been shipped by CMMB’s Medical Donations Program to support the influx of refugees in countries that border Ukraine and individuals within the hardest-hit regions of the country.
The pallets contained over 10 tons of high-need resources, including medicines and medical supplies, wound care and hygiene items, and personal protective gear—items identified in coordination with CMMB partners on the ground in Ukraine and the bordering regions.
Our team continues to act in partnership with organizations and aid-recipients to assess the growing need, gather resources, and coordinate delivery.
The current situation in Ukraine:
- Over 5 million Ukrainians have fled the country
- 7 million people have been internally displaced—with estimations that more than half are women
- Health facilities and essential infrastructure are in ruins and supply chains remain stalled. As a result, the country faces critical shortages of medicines, supplies, and services
- Widespread destruction and mass displacement has triggered an economic collapse, with those returning to liberated areas of Ukraine unable to afford to rebuild, find shelter, and purchase essential medicines and supplies.
“We are working to meet the needs identified by healthcare workers and emergency responders on the ground—and this work will continue as long as the need exists,” said Darnelle Bernier, vice president of CMMB’s Medical Donations Program.
Ukraine needs your support.
The situation in Ukraine is worsening every day. Women, children, and families are fleeing for their lives—praying for the home they were forced to leave behind. CMMB needs your help to provide medical aid to Ukrainians in need.
March 3, 2022
Launching CMMB Ukraine Emergency Response
CMMB is mobilizing an emergency response to support the people of Ukraine. This support includes product and cash donations in coordination with on-the-ground CMMB partner organizations serving displaced populations within Ukraine, as well as those who have fled to Poland, Romania, and Moldova.
Partner staff on the ground are reporting severe shortages at this early stage of the conflict. Our Medical Donations Program is preparing shipments of medical supplies as well as purchasing product to meet the needs identified by local health facilities and emergency responders.
In addition, CMMB is coordinating to provide additional support to health facilities within the Ukraine. Our outreach and coordination are ongoing, and updates will be provided as our activities expand throughout this conflict and in the recovery to follow.