Serve As Jesus Would — Your Weekly Reflection from CMMB

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In last week’s reading, Jesus teaches his disciples the true meaning of greatness. In the passage we read from today, Jesus teaches his disciples the true meaning of service.
John and the disciples encountered someone healing the sick in the name of Jesus. Knowing that this healer was not a follower, the disciples tried to prevent him from healing. They then reported what happened to Jesus.
Jesus did not praise their actions. Instead, he criticized them. He told them never to prevent anyone from healing another in his name. For anyone who performs an act of service in the name of Jesus is a true follower.
Jesus said to his disciples, “For whoever is not against us is for us.”
This Gospel speaks to a fundamental lesson in our faith. Jesus accepts the good deeds of everyone. It doesn’t matter how large or small the act or the person who commanded it. If it is an act of service to better the life of another, Jesus not only accepts it—he praises it.
At CMMB, we understand that there is no act of service that is inconsequential. We know that every person has something to give, and our volunteer program is a growing example of just that.
We send all different kinds of volunteers to the field and every person—a doctor, nurse, teacher, or engineer—arrives with unique experiences and expertise. Yet they are united by their commitment to serve others in the name of Jesus. If you’re interested in learning more about our volunteers, we encourage you to explore our volunteer blog, which features moving stories from the field. You can do so by clicking HERE.
We will conclude today’s reflection with the words of Mother Teresa, a woman whose legacy is an inspiration for us here at CMMB.
“Each one of them is Jesus in disguise.”
When our volunteers commit themselves to service, when we commit to a good deed at home or praise another for an act of kindness, we are acting on behalf of Jesus. As a person of faith there is no greater act than to act as Jesus did.
Let us begin our week with a commitment to act as Jesus would and continue to spread his joy for serving others.
In grace and peace,