Take Courage—Your Weekly Reflection

We begin today’s reflection with an invitation to join us as we consider a time when we felt unsure of the road ahead. Unsure of our actions, our journey, and even our courage.
In today’s Gospel, the disciples find themselves in a perilous situation. Sent to journey over rough waters, they struggle to manage the roaring wind and waves. Jesus suddenly appears before them. He walks on water…
Jesus says, “Take courage, it is I; do not be afraid.” But the disciples are terrified and, at first, do not believe the man before them to be Jesus.
Peter responds, “Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you on the water.”
Jesus does so, and Peter begins to walk towards him. But it’s not long before Peter is overcome with fear and begins to sink beneath the waves. He cries out to the Lord, and Jesus reaches his hand out.
Jesus says, “O you of little faith, why did you doubt?”
At the conclusion of our Gospel, Jesus steps into the boat, and the stormy water calms at once. This is when the disciples come to know Jesus as the Son of God.
At CMMB, we find so much to reflect on in today’s Gospel. There is fear, awe, hope, doubt, friendship, and faith—all in one Gospel passage. And when Peter is afraid and sinking, Jesus saves him, calming the water—and his fears.
At a time when it seems there is so much fear and suffering around the world, we strive to act with courage in Jesus’ footsteps—knowing that he is always there, when we fear, when we doubt, even when we fall—ready to lift us up for good.
On our journey together toward healthier lives worldwide, may we act with courage and with faith!