You shall worship the Lord, your God, and him alone shall you serve.
–Luke 4:8

Each year, on the first Sunday of Lent, we journey to the desert with Jesus. Here, in the wilderness, for 40 days and 40 nights, He was tempted and tested by the devil. Despite being alone, and weak with hunger and thirst, we witness Jesus overcoming each temptation, proving that his love for his Father is stronger than everything else.

You shall not put the Lord, your God, to the test.
—Luke 4:12

Dr. Paluel Joseph Flagg, CMMB's FounderMore than 100 years ago, our founder, Dr. Paluel Flagg, was faced with a challenge that might have destroyed him. Instead, he found the strength in God’s love and used it to create something beautiful.

Dr. Flagg was a young anesthesiology resident on staff at St. Vincent’s Hospital in New York City when tragedy struck—his infant daughter died from neonatal asphyxia early in the year and then months later his wife passed away.

In his grief, Dr. Flagg sought solace by following God’s call to help others. He organized missions to Haiti, where he served those suffering from leprosy. When he saw the immense need in just that one country, he knew he had to do more. He inspired others to join him, and found help and encouragement along the way from those who saw the huge void he was filling. Dr. Flagg took his pain and created something that brought light to the world. He turned it into a love that served and continues to serve those most in need.

Every single thing we do, and all that we can imagine achieving, is linked to the love and presence of God. His love embraces us and we are called on to extend this embrace to those most in need. Together, we are enabling God’s healing and love to be present in our world.

As we journey through Lent, praying, fasting, and almsgiving, let us be guided by our love for God—above all else.

In grace and peace,

CMMB/Healthier Lives Worldwide

Today’s reflection was inspired by Loyola Press.

These Children Are Struggling – Consider Becoming Their Angel

Jamesly, 7 months

Photo of Jamesly

Francesca, 2

Francesca at her home in Haiti with her older sister, Laurie.

Safari, 10

CMMB Angel - Safari