The Lord is my refuge; of whom should I be afraid? – Psalm 27

In today’s Gospel, we are reminded of the distinction between the world and the disciples. Jesus tells us that his disciples are chosen from the world to be in service to the world for its salvation. Even today, disciples are sent by Jesus to make both the Father and Jesus known to the world.

It is fitting that today, a member of our CMMB family is being honored as a finalist for the Aurora Prize for Humanity in Armenia. Many of you already know about Dr. Tom Catena, a Catholic missionary and longtime CMMB volunteer. Since 2008, this courageous man has been the only permanent medical doctor serving 750,000 people in Sudan’s Nuba Mountains. He treats up to 500 patients a day, and is on call 24 hours, seven days a week, delivering babies, performing surgeries, and treating injuries resulting from bombings.

Despite years of violent conflict, Dr. Tom remains in Sudan, saying, “I could not leave in good conscience. As a lay missionary, I felt it was very important to show the presence of the Church in this time of need—to show that the Church does not abandon her people when a crisis arises.”

As a community of faith, we should feel especially proud to support Dr. Tom. He inspires us with his strong Catholic faith and selfless dedication to bring healing and hope to a war ravaged and forgotten part of the world. His humble service before God sets both an example and a challenge to Christians everywhere to recommit to fighting for justice and protection for the most vulnerable.

Please join us as we offer our best wishes and prayers for Jesus’ disciple, Dr. Tom Catena. We can think of no one more certainly chosen by from the world to serve the world. In the presence of such faith, we hope that everyone in our CMMB family will be inspired by God’s love and hear the call to serve.

Volunteers like Dr. Catena need your support today. Learn more here.

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