The Right Choice Is Not the Easiest Choice — Your Weekly Reflection

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As we grow older, the choices we make and the actions they demand can be complicated. It’s no secret that the right choice is not always the easiest choice.
In times when you find yourself discouraged by the challenges the right choice might bring, find comfort knowing that God understands the sacrifices you make. This is the message that Jesus shares with his disciples in today’s Gospel.
Jesus teaches his disciples that the choice to follow God is not without its challenges—but the beauty that will follow is well worth it.
As we read today’s passage, we find ourselves reflecting on the journey we are making as an organization—a journey that is not possible without the compassion and commitment of our volunteers.
Choosing to step into the role of a volunteer is not an easy choice. The sacrifice it demands is great. Volunteers may have to put their careers on hold or miss important family celebrations. But the impact volunteers can have on the lives of others is even greater. When we send CMMB volunteers to a program site, we find comfort knowing that Jesus is walking beside them every step of the way.
We will conclude this week’s reflection with some insights from Samantha Hodge, a volunteer nurse who served with CMMB in Mutomo, Kenya. We return to her words often, as they are a source of comfort and guidance to volunteers preparing to serve for the first time.
“Going into my volunteer experience in Mutomo, Kenya, I had a passion but no plan,” Samantha said. “To do this role, I think one needs to harness the energy and mental attitude to say, ‘Yes. I’m going to change this. This is what I am going to do.’ And then put your whole mind and heart in becoming the hands and feet of God. It won’t be easy, but it will always be worth it.”
We encourage you to visit our website to learn more about the impact of our volunteer program. Samantha made an impact in Kenya, but there are opportunities to serve and support our volunteers across the countries we serve.
Do you know someone who’s interested in changing the world? Forward this reflection to them!