We Do Not Walk Alone — Your Weekly Reflection

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Today’s Gospel invites us to reflect on the Holy Trinity. As followers of Jesus, we understand the Holy Trinity as God in three people. Though this is one of the great mysteries of our faith, we approach our future at peace with what we cannot understand, and appreciation for what we can.
In the passage we read from today, Jesus shares this sentiment with his disciples. Though the mystery of their futures may feel daunting, they can find comfort knowing that they will not face it alone. God is always looking out for them—through triumph and challenge alike.
At CMMB, we do our best to reach people who feel forgotten by our global community. We reach the child who continues to get sick from preventable illnesses, and the community health worker who is committed to changing that. We reach vulnerable populations that are siloed from the health system and the local organizations that support them despite having limited resources.
CMMB’s Medical Donation Program allows us to expand our reach beyond the countries where we operate locally and deliver life-saving resources to communities around the world experiencing need.
This past January, that need was in Cuba. Two elderly homes operated by the Little Sisters of the Abandoned Elderly and the Carmelite Missionaries of Father Palau Orders were experiencing a severe shortage of medical supplies to care for their nearly 600 elderly residents.
Caring for these individuals is intensive, expensive, and impacted by everything from the swift economic downturn of COVID-19 to the rapidly aging Cuban population. The Sisters operate on a shoestring budget to begin with, planning carefully to try and provide the best possible continuity of care.
Recognizing the need, CMMB’s Medical Donation Program stepped in with support—providing the elderly facilities with medicines and supplies just when they were needed most. In January, 30 residents became infected with COVID-19. Thanks, in part, to the timely arrival of this support, all the patients recovered from the virus.
If you are interested in learning more about the impact of our Medical Donations Program in Cuba, we encourage you to do so by clicking HERE. CMMB is committed to following the need, extending support, and reminding individuals who feel forgotten that they are not alone.