With Gratitude, We Share — Your Weekly Reflection

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In today’s Gospel we reflect on a theme that is first engrained in us as children—the importance of sharing.
As we grow, so too does the way we understand sharing. The concept remains, but the stakes grow greater. When we reach adulthood, we come to witness the injustices and inequities of the world, some of which, are so great that they can be the difference between life and death.
The passage we read from today, shows us the value God finds in sharing. Those who share their wealth are welcomed into the Kingdom of God. Those who keep wealth to themselves, will enjoy it only on earth. When it comes time to enter the Kingdom of God, they will not be welcome.
As many of us experience record high temperatures this summer, how many times have you run to the kitchen for a cool glass of water? For us, this is a normal part of life. For the people CMMB serves in impoverished and under-resourced communities around the world, having an easily accessible source of clean water is not.
As we find ourselves making the most of these hot summer days, let us think about the mother in Kenya, who must walk miles, regardless of the temperature, to collect safe water for her children. She does this knowing she will have to make the same journey the next day. Let us think about the doctor in South Sudan, who has seen child after child become severely ill from drinking contaminated water. He knows these diseases can be prevented, yet newly sick children keep arriving at his clinic
At CMMB, we think of these individuals when we install water tanks and boreholes in the communities we serve. We think of them when we equip our community health workers with water purification sachets to distribute to mothers and children living on the fringes of care.
Let us enter the week ahead with a sense of gratitude for the resources we have and a commitment to share them with others. Learn more about our programming that is expanding access to safe water in the most vulnerable communities, and how you can help us share this life-saving resource by visiting our website.