VIDEO: “You are Building a Kinder World for Everyone.” — Christmas Message from Sister Rosemary

Dear Friends,
Merry Christmas!
As we prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus, the Christ, our Savior, I want to take this opportunity to thank you for your support of the Catholic Medical Mission Board and for your compassion for those in such great need around the world.
In his 2020 encyclical to the world, Pope Francis reminds us that we are all brothers and sisters, all created by God in the image of God. And with that in mind, there are no strangers, just people we haven’t met.
He reminds us that we are called, just as the Good Samaritan, to be neighbors to those in need, to recognize Christ in the face of those who suffer, or excluded or marginalized, and to create a more just and inclusive society for all.
Through your payers and support of our healing ministry, you are building a kinder world.
At Catholic Medical Mission Board, this is the heart of our mission. Through your payers and support of our healing ministry, you are building a kinder world, not just for some, but for everyone, and for that I am deeply grateful.
As Chair of the CMMB Board of Directors, it has been a blessing for me to work closely with you, with the talented staff at CMMB, and with our partners around the world to share God’s love with many in needs of the basics of survival.
This December, I will be completing my term as chair, but I will remain active on the board and committed to our ongoing work of education, growth, and healing. I invite you to do the same and continue your journey with us.
As we celebrate this sacred time, let us remember that the great blessing of Christmas is Jesus Immanuel, God with us. Jesus, the word of God made human, is the promise of God’s presence and love for each and every one of us on our, at times, joyful and challenging journeys.
May God’s love be with you and those you love this Christmas and always.
Merry Christmas and many blessings.
Sister Rosemary Moynihan
CMMB Board Chair, Outgoing