The Feast of Christ the King: Your Weekly Catholic Reflection

Each Sunday, the Gospel of Luke has been filled with the unexpected: the poor are rich, sinners find salvation, the Kingdom of God is found in our midst. In today’s Gospel, Luke has one last surprise. He confronts us with the crucified Jesus, whom faith tells us is King and Savior of all.
Luke’s Gospel challenges our notions of victory and strength. At the Mutomo Mission Hospital, located in a remote and arid area of Kenya, Sister Mary serves as the Hospital administrator, after many years of dedication and commitment. She is a Sister of Mercy with a kind smile and soft voice. She is also a faith filled leader with a will of iron. With limited resources, she ensures that the women, children, and community of Mutomo can access quality care with kindness and dignity.
She explains, “The mission hospital is associated with the Church so people know that Sisters will be merciful. Sisters will have a heart. Sisters will be able to give you medicine when you don’t have money – you can bring it later. Sisters will be able to feed you. So the mission hospital has won the hearts of many with our mission to serve.”
Each day, the Sisters of Mercy at Mutomo Mission Hospital celebrate small victories as healthy babies are born and the sick are cured. These gentle caregivers find their joy and strength in Jesus, our King. Jesus may not have seemed like the kind of king we imagined or expected. His glory was hidden from many of his contemporaries, but those with eyes of faith were able to see.
As we conclude the liturgical year and celebrate the Feast of Christ the King, let’s be reminded to look for the light of Christ in everyone we meet.
Sponsor a child in Kenya.
*Today’s reflection is inspired by and adapted from the Loyola Press Sunday Connection.