Is there a difference between happiness and joy?

Coming to joy, even in the midst of change, is the perfection of spiritual life. This week we find two great biblical figures visited by angels. The Virgin Mary welcomes her angel somewhere within the humble routine of her day. Presented with astonishing news, she simply asks God’s methods before bowing in graceful accord. Zechariah, on the other hand, receives his angel in the reserved sanctuary of the Temple. This angel disrupts the rituals that stabilize Zechariah’s faith. Zechariah is startled, skeptical – afraid to be happy.

Each day, we are visited by angels. During this third week of Advent, will they find us with the heart of Mary, open to the wonder of the Holy Spirit? Or will they find us frozen in fear? As we draw closer to Christmas, let us keep two questions in mind:

Can we help other people find their joy?

Can we find our own?

We can find the answer if we recognize that in God, we are all infinitely loved.

Yours in grace,
Sr. Renee Yann, RSM, D. Min

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*Adopted from Catholic Health Association of the US 2015 Advent Reflections