This week we are celebrating National Catholic Sisters Week by highlighting some of the amazing women religious who we work with around the world. Today we share Sister Laura’s story. Sister Laura is a Comboni Missionary Sister from Italy, and the head of administration at St. Theresa Hospital in South Sudan. 

In this video, Sister Laura shares her story of what brought her to South Sudan and what implores her to stay. 

I didn’t experience one single day of peace since I arrived. But I am happy because I shared with the people the uncertainty, the insecurity, the suffering, and the little joy that every day life gives us.

Click to hear Sister Laura’s incredible story

*This interview was conducted and captured by our international volunteer, Dr. Matthew Jones, who is currently serving in Nzara, South Sudan for nine months.

“I had the privilege to volunteer with CMMB in Nzara. I worked closely with Sister Laura, the Hospital Administrator, and Sister Jane, the Nursing Director. These two women were very dedicated to the patients and people of Nzara. I was so thankful to have their leadership and experience. Sister Laura, from Italy, and Sister Jane, from Uganda, are both highly experienced nurses. They have worked in many countries in Africa before arriving in Nzara.  They are a tremendous example of love, compassion, and caring to me, the hospital staff, and the people in the community. What a blessing it is to have dedicated nuns in missionary health work.” –  Harry Owens Jr., MD, CMMB volunteer

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