Yamilet Soto is one of our amazing and dedicated international volunteers who will be serving as a nurse in Huancayo, Peru. Yamilet was inspired by two of her college instructors who dedicated part of their nursing careers to volunteering internationally. After graduating from nursing school in 2016, Yamilet embarked on a six month backpacking journey, visiting 16 countries across four continents! Below you can learn more about Yamilet, including her inspirations and her hopes!

Where is home? I was born in Los Angeles, California but Albuquerque, New Mexico is home.

Education: Bachelor of Science in Nursing from New Mexico State University.

CMMB volunteer post: Huancayo, Peru.

If you were asked to sum yourself up in two words, which two would you choose? Open-minded gallivanter.

Why CMMB? In my search for volunteer opportunities I hoped to find a reputable not for profit organization with impactful and sustainable projects; CMMB possessed the qualities I was searching for. The volunteer stories were inspiring, and the projects felt genuinely focused on improving and supporting the health needs of the communities they served.

What are you most proud of? I am most proud of obtaining my nursing degree, and most recently completing a six month solo trip. In my journey I was able to visit Africa, Europe, Southeast Asia, and Australia. Being able to travel and learn about different cultures is a precious gift that has enriched and changed my outlook on life, while strengthening my need/desire to engage in volunteer work in developing countries.

Imagine you are stuck in an elevator. Who would you most like to be stuck with? And why? Assuming someone would get us out, I would want to be stuck with someone calm and very funny. Laughter soothes the soul!

You are featured in the NY Times or your national newspaper. What’s the headline? “Nurse develops strategies to reduce wastefulness across US hospitals.”

What would be your theme song?My Sharona by The Knack

Imagine if you were an animal or instrument – which would you be and why? If I had to choose an animal I would be a Gazelle- such majestic creature! Graceful, social, alert, and agile.

What is your hope for your experience volunteering with CMMB? I hope for a positive impact on the communities I serve and to contribute to the growth of the project. For cultural integration, and to learn from the people of Peru.

Favorite quote? “Life is either a great adventure or nothing.” – Hellen Keller

What book should everyone read? Why? “Being Mortal: Medicine and What Matters in the End” by Atul Gawande. A thought provoking novel that brings light and perspective into aging and death in modern times and medicine.

Who would you like to play you in the movie of your life? Karla Souza, she is awesome!

What is your hope for the future? Access to healthcare for all. No disparities. Mindfulness. Happiness.

Favorite speech or Tedtalk? How language shapes the way we think – Lera Boroditsky

If you could solve one world problem, what would it be? Social injustice.

What are the three things you are most grateful for? My family, health, and freedom.

Who is your biggest inspiration? Why? I cannot think of one person at the moment, but nurses inspire me. I have met many genuine, intelligent, resilient, and selfless nurses. They inspire me to be a better nurse!