This piece was written by Priya Singh, founder and president of the very first CMMB student club. Priya is one of our inspiring student partners spreading the word about CMMB’s work and advocating for the improvement of women and children’s healthcare in developing countries.

From Intern to Advocate

Love, collaboration, excellence, and respect: these are CMMB’s core values. They are also my personal values.

I first came to know CMMB as an intern while I was in high school two years ago. I became inspired by CMMB’s mission and approach to providing sustainable healthcare solutions to women and children in developing countries. As a student looking to one day become a medical doctor, CMMB’s work deeply motivated me. I saw throughout my internship how CMMB’s programs were truly making a difference in the world and I wanted to continue to be a part of that change.

I am a pre-health student at Hunter College in New York City. I knew I wanted to continue being involved with CMMB and I thought, “why not start a CMMB club here at Hunter?” I reached out to friends and classmates and assembled a team of interested students. Today, It is my duty and honor to bring CMMB’s vision and practice to Hunter College, as the president and founder of the CMMB x Hunter club.

sandi and priya at club fair

Priya and Sandi Bajrami, CMMB x Hunter vice president, talking to students at the Hunter College club fair

CMMB x Hunter

CMMB x Hunter is dedicated to education and awareness of the health issues women and children experience in countries when there is unequal access to healthcare. This club serves to explain CMMB’s role and how students can make a difference with possible volunteering opportunities and hands-on or interactive activities.

CMMB x Hunter debuted at the Hunter Club Fair in the beginning of this school year where we had almost 200 students sign up to learn more about our club and upcoming activities! It was great to see so many students interested in the work of CMMB and women and children’s health.

Hunter college students at club fair

CMMB x Hunter e-board members with Hunter College mascot at the club fair!

For our first club event, we presented a documentary screening of the life of a CMMB volunteer, Dr. Tom Catena, called The Heart of Nuba to educate students about Dr. Tom’s story in Sudan, as the only doctor serving almost a million people in the community.

Dr. Tom at Hunter

On November 22nd, Dr. Tom Catena himself came to talk to the students and guests about his life and journey. With the help of my e-board and the CMMB staff, we brought close to 100 people to the event. It was an excellent turnout and many students and donors were interested in learning more about Dr. Tom’s story and what CMMB and CMMB x Hunter are all about! We were so glad to have Dr. Tom at Hunter College and it was truly a memorable experience for all of us.

priya and dr tom

Priya with Dr. Tom at the November 22nd event

From this event, we learned that hearing stories from volunteers firsthand is one of the best ways of learning about how these volunteers make a significant impact on disadvantaged communities and what hardships these individuals face every day. These volunteers are incredible and inspirational in their own, unique ways.

CMMB x Hunter is dedicated to sharing the narratives of these volunteers and the stories of the women and children in these impoverished regions, all to spread awareness and help these people as much as we can. Through this experience, it has heightened my awareness that education and learning come in many different forms, from both in the classroom and out. The work that CMMB does has increased my commitment to helping make a difference in the lives of others. We look forward to continuing to bring inspiring events and advocacy opportunities to students at Hunter!


hunter college students with dr tom

CMMB x Hunter e-board with Dr. Tom after the event

Interested in starting a CMMB club at your school? Contact us at