Mother’s Day is right around the corner and we’re guessing you’ve had to make a few changes to your plans. Traditions that include a brunch out and or an annual family gathering will be put on hold or adapted during an era of social distancing. But even under such unusual circumstances there’s still plenty of ways to honor the special woman in your life.

Queue the start of a new tradition…

This Mother’s Day give your mom a gift that gives back. You can help a mother in need build a nest for the future by donating the gift of chicks and gardens. In honoring the woman who helped build you a brighter future, you can help another do the same.


  • $24 gives chickens to a Mom in need.
  • $51 gives a garden starter kit and training to a Mom in need.
  • $75 gives both chickens and a garden to a Mom in need.

Jossette stands in front of her garden. At CMMB we are celebrating Mother's Day

Jossette lives in Haiti with her two children. Before she received her garden starter kit from CMMB, she struggled to put food on the table. Today, her garden is healthy and she is able to give her family the life she wants for them.


While you’re mulling over your options, we thought we’d show you exactly how your gift of chicks and gardens will go on to benefit a family in poverty.

Five Reasons to Give the Gift of Chicks and Gardens this Mother’s Day

1) Chicks keep families from going hungry

A boy smiles and holds a chicken in his arms

Did you know that one chicken will produce upwards of 200 eggs in its lifetime? That’s a reliable source of eggs and nutrients for a mother who too often sends her children to sleep with empty stomachs (and that’s just one chicken).

When you give the gift of chickens, you’re giving a hungry family a sustainable source nourishment—if that’s not a gift that keeps on giving, we don’t know what is.

2) A garden empowers

a plant grows in a garden

Your gift of a garden includes everything a mother needs to get growing, plus the training to keep it growing. When we empower mothers with the resources they need to become economically sufficient, we empower them to become role models for their children and their communities.

3) Chickens are easy to breed (and they don’t take up too much space)

Two chickens roaming

Your gift of two chicks will soon turn to four, then eight, then ten, and before you know it, the mother you’ve supported will have an entire flock of chickens right in her backyard. That means extra nutrients and an additional source of income that can be put towards a child’s future in school fees and medical expenses.

And for those of us who work in this field, the importance of education cannot be stressed enough. Quality education is the key to breaking the cycle of poverty and a critical step towards achieving a brighter future.

4) A garden will impact generations to come

A mother holds her child in her home. At CMMB we are celebrating Mother's Day

They say that a mother knows best, and we couldn’t agree more. Just think of all the values and skills you’ve learned from the mother figure in your life. How many of those do you hope to instill in your own children? When you give a garden starter kit to a mother in need, the lessons, skills, and impact is passed on for generations to come.

5) Chickens and gardens have what we like to call the ripple effect

A mother sits with her family in Haiti. At CMMB we are celebrating Mother's Day

With an entire flock of chickens, families have the chance to help their neighbors by gifting them one—just as you did for them. With extra food to spare from their garden, a mother can offer nutrients to another—just as you did for them. It’s a ripple effect that travels across oceans, and has the potential to impact entire communities. So really, when you give to a family, you give a community.

Celebrating Hardworking Mothers Every Day

At CMMB, we celebrate and empower mothers around the world every day. In the communities where we serve, mothers and grandmothers play an essential role in creating and sustaining healthy homes. When a mother learns healthy, sustainable habits, she goes on to raise children with bright futures and healthy lifestyles.

We can’t think of a more meaningful way to celebrate our mothers than by empowering another with the resources to build a better life.