Today’s Gospel begins with a question. Jesus asks his disciples, “Who do people say that the Son of Man is?” They respond that most believe Jesus is a prophet of Israel.

Jesus then asks, “But who do you say that I am?” Simon Peter replies, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” Jesus is pleased and reveals that Simon Peter’s revelation came from God. Jesus calls Simon Peter “the rock” upon which he will build his church, and Peter goes on to play a formative role as a Christian leader.

What does it mean to be a Christian leader today? Characteristics including kindness, strength, and compassion are among those that first come to mind. But generosity and selflessness stand out as principle traits. We all have moments when we embody the characteristics of a Christian leader. But CMMB donor, Pat Winkler has embodied these traits since she was a child. These pillars of leadership, along with her unwavering faith in God, have remained her greatest guides in life.

Pat served in Peru as a volunteer nurse at the age of just 22. Here, she met her late husband, Stefan, and together they built a life rooted in giving. Today, she continues to demonstrate the characteristics of a Christian leader as she preserves the generous legacy of Stefan, instills the importance of faith and service in her grandchildren, and supports communities in need as a longtime CMMB donor.

Pat Winkler with a family in Peru

We conclude this week’s reflection by sharing a piece of advice from Pat herself. The words below are directed towards our volunteers, but within them are lessons of perseverance and sacrifice worth sharing with everyone. You can read Pat’s full story on our blog.

Stay humble and be there for the people you serve. Give whatever you can to them, give yourself. Although what you’re experiencing is very difficult, it may be the best time of your life when you look back on it. I’ll never forget those three years I spent serving in Peru and how wonderful that experience was—even though it was hard sometimes. It was a wonderful experience.

Don’t be afraid.

In grace and peace,

Bruce Wilkinson signature

Bruce Wilkinson

President & CEO, CMMB

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