CMMB volunteer Kirollos Fares, a public health specialist, 
reached his fundraising goal of $5,000 in two weeks (and kirollos-640x640is now surpassing it!). Here are some tips from Kirollos on crowdfunding. 

The first and most important thing you MUST do is to share your campaign widely and repeatedly. I cannot stress this enough. People need reminders. We are bombarded by information and we miss things. Give people the chance to give.

Here are some other tips to ensure that your social media posts get maximum exposure:

1. Make sure the privacy of your campaign posts are set to “public” so that people outside your network will be able to see the posts once your friends and family share them.

Simply click on the button next to “Post” and select “Public.” Now you have a much wider potential audience.

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2. Use relevant and compelling images because they are an excellent way to communicate your story and message.

Kirollos Facebook Image

3. Describe the situation in the field in a brief but powerful way and explain what the organization you volunteer for is doing to help.


How is life in South Sudan?
You can’t have a good life without good health. South Sudan, the world’s newest country, suffers from a chronic shortage of health facilities and workers.

The lack of doctors, nurses, and health workers has had a catastrophic effect on the health of its people. One in ten children born in South Sudan won’t get to live to the age of 5. (5X the mortality rate of children in Egypt) Scores of pregnant women die during birth or shortly after.

Please take a minute or two to donate using the link below to support CMMB’s efforts in saving the lives of South Sudanese women and children

I’m to leave for rural South Sudan by early July for a year to work on improving the existing CMMB projects catering for women and children as well as HIV positive individuals. My goal is to gather up 5,000$ to help with the resource mobilization. (10% done. 90% to go.)

Thank you for all your prayers, donating, and sharing

4. Include a short bio about yourself – your background and motivation – so that people who don’t know you will be encouraged to give.

Dear All, For those of you who didn’t see my previous posts or those who did and want to know a bit more, here’s my story: 

I’m Kirollos from Cairo, Egypt. I’ve been fortunate enough to volunteer in Sub-Saharan Africa (and a little bit of Asia as well) ever since I finished my bachelors. Having recently finished a Master of International Public Health from the University of Sydney, I am about to start a year adventure in rural South Sudan, the world’s newest country.

I’ll be working for CMMB, an organization that runs health projects aimed at improving the survival chances of women, children, and HIV-positive individuals.

Your help is needed: I’m fundraising for this cause and I would love to see 5,000$ gathered to help the people of South Sudan. (~15% of my goal achieved)

Please head to the link below and donate. (minimum 10$)

Don’t forget to share with your friends and family as well. Thanks.

5. Translate the post into other languages if you can. I’ve done mine in Arabic and English and that lead to an increase in social media activity, and donations!Kirollos Facebook foreign language

انا كيرلس من القاهره, مصر. خلصت صيدله من الجامعه الالمانيه وتطوعت في افريقيا (وشويه في أسيا) لمده سنتين.

انا خلصت ماجيستير في الصحه العامه الدوليه (International Public Health) من جامعه سيدني وهسافر لجنوب السودان لمده سنه بهدف اداره مشاريع منظمه CMMB في يامبيو, جنوب السودان. المشاريع ديه بتهدف لتحسين صحه مرضي نقص المناعه المكتسب, بالاضافه للاطفال والامهات (معدل وفيات الاطفال دون الخمس سنوات في جنوب السودان خمس مرات معدل مصر, وعندهم اعلي معدل لوفيات الامهات اثناء او بعد الولاده)

بحاول اجمع ٥,٠٠٠ دولار لتطوير


المشاريع اللي هناك. (١٥٪ من المبلغ اتجمع)
التبرع اونلاين من خلال اللينك ده:

شير وشكراً.

6. Provide regular campaign updates and urge people to keep sharing your posts.Kirollos Facebook post

Good luck!

Kirollos Fares is from Cairo, Egypt. He is a graduate of Pharmacy and Bio-Technology who has spent the last three years volunteering and working with humanitarian organizations. He recently completed postgraduate studies in International Public Health at the University of Sydney, Australia. This July he is moving to rural South Sudan to volunteer with CMMB.