Compelled to Act: Meet Our New Volunteer Debbie

I am in the process of volunteering for a short-term medical and public health opportunity in Lusaka, Zambia that will focus on a program directed at childhood poverty, malnutrition, and separation.
Recently I felt compelled to continue my education in nutrition, as many underserved populations do not have the means and support for healthcare. While studying, working, and looking at where I could use my skill set, I crossed paths with Catholic Medical Mission Board (CMMB) and learned about a program in Zambia, Africa. The Kusamala 3 Child Protection program works with communities in Lusaka, and outside of the city, to support at-risk children and their families.
Recently one of our parish priests celebrated mass and talked about his 18 years of education and formation. He made a very strong point; “What is the point to have all this knowledge if you can’t do something with it?” He is an example of sharing his gifts and knowledge. That is what I hope to contribute to the team in Zambia.
I am working with the Volunteer program to raise money to support volunteers with their nursing, medical, nutrition, public health, and marketing skills. If you feel compelled to support the teams to provide quality healthcare, please click on the link below. As Archbishop Fulton Sheen expressed “There is no other group…that has the background, knowledge…comparable to the Catholic Medical Mission Board” (CMMB, Volunteer Program Handbook, 2022, p.7) to make an impact on the health of women and children.
Thank you for your consideration and help.
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