EVENT RSVP: #ACT4Water Walk on March 20 at 2pm

#ACT4Water Walk
Sunday, March 20th, 2022
2pm (ET)
Hunter College, 695 Park Avenue
To raise awareness for the global water crisis
Did you know women and children in low-income countries on average have to walk 5km to collect water? #ACT4Water is a student-led initiative to raise awareness for global water shortages. Please join us for #ACT4Water Walk event in collaboration with CMMB x Hunter and students from Hunter College, Fordham University, and other tri-state area universities.
The event will include a 5K walk from Hunter College (695 Park Avenue, in front of West Building near 68 Street Subway Station – 6 Train) on the Upper East Side, through Central Park, and ending at the Dublin House (225 W 79th), where students and other participants can socialize and discuss the importance of increasing awareness of the global water crisis.
Please RSVP below to receive updates on the event. If you are a student, please use your school email address.
**The RSVP for this event is closed.**
#ACT4Water Walk Schedule
Rally Time (Hunter College, 695 Park Avenue*): 2:00pm
Walk Step-off: 2:30pm
Dublin House Arrival (225 W 79th): 3:30pm
*in front of West Building near 68 Street Subway Station – 6 Train
All undergraduate students interested in global health are encouraged to participate! CMMB supporters are also welcome to join.
Global Water Crisis
One in four healthcare facilities around the world lacks clean water, impacting over 2 billion people. Proper water, sanitation, and hygiene services in health facilities are critical for infection prevention and control and for delivering quality care. Unsafe water causes diarrhea and transmits diseases such as cholera, dysentery, typhoid, and polio. It results in countless preventable deaths, killing over 2,000 children every day.
CMMB Response
CMMB is investing in water infrastructure to ensure long-term access to safe water for rural communities and health facilities. In 2021 alone, CMMB improved access to clean water for 263,819 people. We are digging solar-powered borehole wells, installing indoor plumbing in health facilities, and constructing handwashing stations, rainwater catchment systems, latrines, and much more.
Learn more at: cmmb.org/water